Thursday, September 25, 2008

Surviving... we survived yesterday! She is doing much better at going down in her crib for a nap. She hasn't cried yet...I am sure as soon as I say that though, I am going to hear her cry. We went to the pediatrician yesterday and decided that Mady has colic. I was hoping that she didn't but deep down I knew she did. Its only in the mid to late afternoon time and she was really fussy and wouldn't eat and just wanted to sleep but of course not in her crib. So the doctor gave me a couple of tips which worked wonderfully. We will see how it goes today. She had me buy some drops that are supposed to help with the colic. It better work...I paid 37.00 for a tiny bottle but it supposed to last a month. The doc said she has seen great progress with this medicine. She also told me about Enfamil's Gentle Ease formula to use when I need to use it to help. She said her patients really like it. She also said that Mady should out grow the colic in the next few weeks so here's hoping! I will try to post up some pictures later on today. Need to clean house right now while she is asleep!

Love to all...Manon

Monday, September 22, 2008

This is torture!!!

As I sit here writing little angel is screaming her head off! She does not want to take a nap because she wants to be held. This is the second time she has done this today. I do my best not to hold her before she falls asleep. She has slept most of the day in her bouncy or in the crib. Just once she slept with me and only because mommy fell asleep waiting for her to fall asleep. This whole "let her cry" is torture. She has tears now and it breaks my heart. I hope she isn't sick and I am letting her cry for the wrong reasons. As soon as I or Eric pick her up, she is fine. Then we put her back down and bam...there goes the square mouth and blood curdling scream. My baby has some lungs! If anyone has had experience with this...please email me or comment back. I am at a loss.

Cheers, Manon

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Great Man...

Yesterday was a very sad day. I got the news that my former (and best) boss passed away from a heart attack. His name was Dr. Ruskin C. Norman and I worked for him for four years as his office assistant and compadre. He was so good to me, took care of me, and was truly a kind person. He loved going to lunch and trying new places and we had great conversations. He loved watching the stock market all day and tried to get me interested. I never knew my grandfathers and he was the closest thing I had to one. I will miss him very much as will everyone who knew him. He is truly an inspiriation! He lead a great life and we can only be so lucky as to be as happy as he was! I love you Dr. Norman and will never forget you!


Here is his

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sip & See

Sonnette & Mady
Mommy & Mady
Mady's party dress...daddy hates the bows!
Ernie, Tracy, and Ann
Rita & Nikki
Ann & Mady
Aunt Abby & Mady
Ernie & Eric

Gina & Mady
Some of the kiddos! They had fun running up and down the stairs!
Little miss Tori!
The guys talking was a fun conversation!

We had a Sip & See last weekend. Thanks to all of our friends and neighbors for coming! We had a great time! Thanks also to Nana & Papi for cooking all the fabulous food~ Eric, Manon, & Mady

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nikki's Surprise Party

Tommy & Mady
Nikki & Mady
Mommy & Mady
The Party Girl!
The gorgeous cake by Lisa...truly amazing!
Mady's party outfit
Kathy, Lisa, and Mady
Nikki & Tommy
Mady sleeping with Daddy at party
Kelly & Lisa

One of my best friends Nikki celebrated her birthday this past weekend. It was a surprise! Here are some pictures! Happy Birthday Girl! Love Manon

Happy 2 months baby girl!

My curious face!
Pretty in pink!
Mady in the bumbo...she is not quite ready for it though!
Pretty girl...
Dil Girl loves to sit in the basket under the stroller!

We celebrated Mady's 2 month birthday yesterday! She, Mommy, and Aunt Nikki went to lunch at PF Chang's while daddy stayed home to do more work. We also went shopping! It was fun but if Mady is not in a great mood, shopping gets cut short. She did okay but of course Aunt Nikki helped by holding her almost the entire time. Normally I wouldn't want her to be held so much but I know she had some tummy issues (which I hope will get better as she gets older) so I didn't mind her being held and comforted. Here at home, I have to force myself (and her dad) to put her down before she falls asleep either in her crib or in the bouncy. We have tried the swing but she doesn't like it yet. Still too young I think. We have also turned off the vibration in the crib so that she doesn't need much to go to sleep. We still have some music in the background which is fine. She has her own Ipod so might as well use it.

Things are going good...just dreading daddy going back to work tomorrow. He was supposed to go back today but since he went on paternity leave, the bank, temporarily blocked him out so he is waiting for his systems to be reinstated so he can go back. No point in sitting in an office when you don't have access to anything!

We are fixing to take in some evacuees from IKE. Rita and Lacho and Lucy and Rey all must evacuate so they are headed here for the week and weekend. I love Ike because that means, that I have more help with feedings, and changings, and can take naps etc. Its great! I do hope it doesn't do any damage though!

Here are some recent pictures so enjoy! Love Manon

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So much to little time!

At Grandma's my shirt!
My new night gown! Mommy loves it!
One of mommy's favorite times of the day...
Another great moment!
I'm getting big...notice my rolls...thats why mommy and daddy call me piglet!

As many mothers before me know, you pretty much can't get anything done when you have a baby. Since we decided to have me stay home, we were also assuming I would be able to clean, cook, and take care of the day to day stuff errands etc. Fat chance! This little girl takes every second I have. When she finally does go to sleep...its only for 20 - 30 minutes and I am either pumping, washing bottles, or napping (almost never). I love spending every second with her but its hard when she is a light sleeper, gassy, or just plain fussy. I know they say that things will get better...who is they? They say, they say...I am so tired of that! I have learned that this little girl is very unpredictable. Just when I think we have it down, she changes everything. Right now, I would love for her to go longer than 2 hours between feedings. That makes nursing very difficult. I am still doing it...reluctanlty. I know its the best thing for her and that is what keeps me going. My husband sees our frustration and thinks we should go ahead and switch to formula for my sake. But he knows how much I want to do it so he is as supportive as he can be. I am not giving up...I am determined to make it to 3 months. She does pretty good most days but there are those times when she is crying because she is hungry and is very gassy and takes it out on my boobs! Those are hard times! But in the end, I know it is soothing to her and she is getting the best nutrition possible. Okay...enough of my is some updated pictures. I can't believe she is already 7 weeks old today! Happy Birthday Piglet! Manon