Monday, March 15, 2010

20 month pics...more to love!

20 month pics! Enjoy

20 Months!

I can't belive she is already 20 months which means she is that much closer to being a big girl! Her birthday is right around the corner and while I have already booked a place for her party (gotta do it early for summer bdays) I still feel like we time...I hope! Here are some of her latest developments...
1. Talking...we have a new cat (our dil girl died in January) and his name is Diggy and mady loves to say no no diggy when he is doing something wrong which is pretty often.
2. She sings the ABC song with me and twinkle twinkle and row row row your boat. Of course they aren't the exact words but she tries!
3. She is in swim class and is doing very well (except when daddy comes to watch) She can almost float on her back, loves to blow bubbles, and most of all loves to toss the duck.
4. Animal sounds - she can moo, quack, bark, and roar. She loves to read books and point out the animal sounds.
5. The words she can say are ball, duck, mama, dadda, nana, ganpa, milk, more, no, yeah, diggy, dog, and kitty.
6. She loves to laugh and sing and run around and play chase with daddy around the kitchen island. She loves to climb on everything and everyone!
7. I taught her how to dip carrots in ranch dressing (light) and now she wants to dip everything in everything. She will dip her cheese cubes in her yogurt as well as her grapes! She knows how to make a mess!
8. Her absolute favorite thing to do is take bath!
9. She weights about 25 pounds and is 32 inches long now. She is skinny and a little tall and of course still has the cute little belly pudging out!
10. She still walks on her tip toes and daddy taught her how to walk backwards and loves to do that outside when we go on our daily walk.
11. She is quite the explorer...always facinated with new things and when we go outside, she loves to pick flowers and play with them!
12. Potty - we haven't started yet but I did buy her a pink potty and she likes to sit in it sometimes. It's a start!

That sums her up for now! Everyday is a new adventure! Pics are to follow!! Have a great spring break!