Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Look what I can do...

Mady has grown up so much in the past few months and I just wanted to share all her accomplishments and personality traits with you all!
1. Still always walks on her tippie toes and even runs on them! So clumsy & cute!
2. Words - she says daddy, nite nite, cat, eat (only heard once by nana so far), book, go (we think), and ganpa (grandpa). She says mama mama mama when she is sad or sick or has a boo boo.
3. She loves to read books, chase the cats (she even gave dil girl a hug the other day), loves puzzles, and loves to give all of her stuffed animals hugs.
4. At nite, as part of her routine now, once she has drank her milk and we have brushed her teeth, she goes to the shelf and picks out a book, we read it, then she goes and puts it back (with mommy's help).
5. Food - she loves cheese, yogurt, any kind of fruit and bread. She refuses to eat veggies unless i give them to her as baby food then she is okay with it. We are still working on that battle. She loves chicken nuggets and fries (only gets it once in a while) and she LOVES her grandpa's tortillas!! She drinks milk and water from either a sippy cup or a straw - she loves the straw. Daddy introduced her to iced tea and she loved it! No worries - its sugar free and decaf!
6. Sleep - she had been doing great, going down at 8 and waking up at 6 or 6 30 but now she is cutting 4-6 teeth so that is waking her up almost every night and we give her tylenol then she goes back down.
7. Entertainment - she is addicted to TV and that is a blessing and a curse! Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba.
8. She just started to color and loves it. We are still learning to only color on paper!
9. She loves to help me clean...she carries around the broom and tries to sweep and she loves to wipe off her high chair tray.
10. She loves loves loves to feed herself with a spoon. It's a messy meal but she and I have fun. Daddy thinks its gross.
11. She is in love with her grandpa! She adores him!
12. She loves to blow kisses, give kisses right on your lips, and give hugs!
13. We go for walks daily down to the mail box and I think its the highlight of her day!
14. She loves to play with daddy all the time! Her eyes light up when he walks in the room.
15. She does lots of sign language - more, yummy, eat.
16. She loves to blow bubbles in the bath tub-she practices for swim class.
17. The biggest thing is that she started mother's day out which is good and bad. I know she has fun and it's a great thing for socialization however, its making naps a bit more difficult now because she is dropping down to one a day...the transition is a slow process but we are working on it!
18. She is a great listener and does what we ask her to do...she has great comprehension.

We are just facinated every day with all she learns and does! It's so fun teaching her stuff! She is a sponge and soaks it all up!

Blessings - The Gonzalez Family

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kiddie Park Day!

We recently went to the kiddie park with our new friends Megan and Jack Trauth. Here are the pics!