Monday, May 3, 2010

21-22 months

I know I am a little late in posting...but here are some new things that Mady is doing in her 21st-22nd months!

1. Letters...she is recognized them everywhere we go! And she gets them right! We know A-E and it's very exciting!
2. Copy cat-she is truly copying everything we do...from sitting next to me on the curb or trying to eat like me or dancing like daddy! She watches us and then tries to mimic what we do! And say...she said no nite nite mama which I am going to claim that as her first sentence!
3. She has many many new okay (she says that alot because mommy says it alot!), house, me me me, mine, juice, water, and swim, and fish. I am sure there are more but I can't remember right now!
4. Animal sounds...she loves to act out different animal sounds like chicken, she puts her arms up under her and acts like a chicken, a cat, monkey, dog, duck, elephant, and tiger/lion. Its adorable and we love to hear her say the sounds and/or act them out.
5. Bedtime/Naptime - she actually likes to go to her room when you say "do you want to go nite nite?" she runs in there or goes to the gate to go upstairs and tries to climb in her bed. She actually gets fussy when you don't put her right in. It's so cute!
6. Toys-she is really into playing with toys that have the sorting. The shapes and numbers etc. She concentrates hard and places them in the right spots! She loves puzzles and the other day when the did puzzles at school and her teacher told me when I picked her up that she did really well and was showing the other kids how to do it! I was super proud!!!

That pretty much sums it up now...but will post more soon!

Monday, March 15, 2010

20 month pics...more to love!

20 month pics! Enjoy

20 Months!

I can't belive she is already 20 months which means she is that much closer to being a big girl! Her birthday is right around the corner and while I have already booked a place for her party (gotta do it early for summer bdays) I still feel like we time...I hope! Here are some of her latest developments...
1. Talking...we have a new cat (our dil girl died in January) and his name is Diggy and mady loves to say no no diggy when he is doing something wrong which is pretty often.
2. She sings the ABC song with me and twinkle twinkle and row row row your boat. Of course they aren't the exact words but she tries!
3. She is in swim class and is doing very well (except when daddy comes to watch) She can almost float on her back, loves to blow bubbles, and most of all loves to toss the duck.
4. Animal sounds - she can moo, quack, bark, and roar. She loves to read books and point out the animal sounds.
5. The words she can say are ball, duck, mama, dadda, nana, ganpa, milk, more, no, yeah, diggy, dog, and kitty.
6. She loves to laugh and sing and run around and play chase with daddy around the kitchen island. She loves to climb on everything and everyone!
7. I taught her how to dip carrots in ranch dressing (light) and now she wants to dip everything in everything. She will dip her cheese cubes in her yogurt as well as her grapes! She knows how to make a mess!
8. Her absolute favorite thing to do is take bath!
9. She weights about 25 pounds and is 32 inches long now. She is skinny and a little tall and of course still has the cute little belly pudging out!
10. She still walks on her tip toes and daddy taught her how to walk backwards and loves to do that outside when we go on our daily walk.
11. She is quite the explorer...always facinated with new things and when we go outside, she loves to pick flowers and play with them!
12. Potty - we haven't started yet but I did buy her a pink potty and she likes to sit in it sometimes. It's a start!

That sums her up for now! Everyday is a new adventure! Pics are to follow!! Have a great spring break!

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Random Pictures...

Here are some fun pics from the past couple of months! Enjoy!

I know I'm so far behind!!

I know I know, everyone reminds me I need to update my blog! I hate to write as you all know but I love to post pictures of Mady and all her adventures! She is 19 months old now and she amazes us everyday with her knowledge! Here are some of the accomplishments so far!

1. a teacher I am obsessed with making sure my child learns how to read and hopefully loves it as much as I do (I am into the twilight saga: new moon right now). She can recognize and say the letters A and B. We went to Babies R Us the other day and she looked up at the sign and said "A" as loud and excited as she could! She was so proud and so were we! She also recognized it and said it when she saw it on the wall in her room in her name! She also just last night saw the letter A on the back of my armada and said it while we were chatting outside with our neighbors! I have this app on my ipod touch that is just like flash cards and she loves to play with it and hear it say the letters!

2. She loves to play with Daddy! She is in love with him right now. We spent all day yesterday at the park hiking etc and she didn't want me to push the jogging stroller, she only wanted Daddy to push her. Then when we got home, Eric started pulling weeds in the frong yard and Mady jumped right in and started copying him (we didn't even ask or tell her anything). It was too cute!! I took a million pictures and will post it soon!

3. She loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba, Dora, Caillou, and sometimes Sesame Street. She also loves to watch the Bee Movie and Finding Nemo.

4. She is eating pretty good except for veggies but she has been trying to eat some carrots a little! She is can eat hot dogs every day!

5. She is really sweet and loving and can not wait until daddy gets home each day to run and play with! She just adores him! I am truly humbled by their sweet connection! It makes me think of how special my relationship with my dad was all those years ago!

6. Imitation Queen...she loves to copy anything and everything that Eric and I do! From cooking to cleaning to weeding the name it. She tries to put on makeup like me and playing pretend in her new kitchen that nana and ganpa got for her for Valentine's Day.

7. Words - Mama, Dada, Nana, Ganpa, Milk, Bye Bye, Zoe, Kitty, nite nite, and of course her letters! She also can moo like a cow, bark like a dog, and roar like a tiger (our favorite). She knows all her body parts as well.

8. Food - she is still pretty picky but is showing more openness to try new things! she loves any and all fruit, no veggies (I sneak them in), bread, hot dogs, chicken, and all kinds of snacks. Oh, and of course cheese and yogurt!

9. School - she goes to a 2 day a week program right now and loves it! I am registering her for preschool on Thursday which she will start in August.

I will post new pictures soon I promise!