Friday, December 5, 2008

Gotta catch up!

Okay so I know I am really bad about writing...the truth is, I hate to write! My mom was really a great writer so I always had her help me and my husband is great too so anytime I have to write something, I want his help. Well, I need to be better about this. I keep need to write down all of my little love's accomplishments so I won't forget.

She is 5 months old now and I still can't believe it! Time flies when your having fun. Everyone kept saying time would go by quickly but I didn't really believe it in those first few weeks when I thought I was the worst mom ever make my daughter learn how to breastfeed and letting her "cry it out" more times than I wanted to. But we survived and I love how much time I get to spend with her. I know I am really lucky to get this time. I am going to start working part time for our swim school in January and am pretty bummed. I know she will be well taken care of but I am still a little selfish and don't want to share her. The good thing is that I think she really knows who I am and that makes me happy. When she is hanging out with daddy and I am cooking, she is watching my every move. Its soo cute.

So back to the are some recent accomplishments.

1. She can almost stand up ...when I pull her up to sit up...she wants to just stand and look around.

2. She is a very very very curious kid and I know will be a great explorer. She studies everything and everyone.

3. She can roll over from her tummy to her back and back to tummy. She doesn't really like "tummy time" so I try to make it a little fun but laying in front of her or putting her toys in front to get her to stay focused on something.

4. She reaches and grabs everything you put in front of her...especially hair and necklaces. I have stopped wearing them and have my hair pulled back most days.

5. Anything and everything must go in her mouth. I know she is teething and must somehow try to chew on anything she can. Its too cute~

6. Food - we have been doing cereal for a few weeks and then introduced veggies during thanksgiving. Mady is such a piglet...she can eat a whole jar of veggies. I only give it to her once a day at lunch and she loves it. I think she is starting to not want formula as much cuz she thinks she is getting either cereal or veggies. I do cereal at her first meal of the day and last and veggies only at lunch. I may cut out the morning cereal. I am not sure yet.

7. And the biggest and best thing she is doing now....sleeping through the night!!!!
The past 2 nights, she slept from 9pm til 5am and then last night she went from 9pm to 7am! I was in shock I kept waking up thinking...I know she is going to wake up any minute and nope...nada. There were a couple of times where I thought she was but she put herself back to sleep! It was awesome!!!! I would hate when I heard about other babies who slept through the night so early and now I don't have to hate them anymore!

We are still working on establishing a decent nap routine. She is truly a cat napper and no matter what I try, she won't sleep very long. Sometimes she surprises me and sleeps for 45 mins to an hour but that is rare. By the end of the day she gets fussy because she is soo tired. But I don't know what else to do, I have tried forcing her to stay in her crib and cry it out (which I am doing right now) letting her sleep on our bed (she loves that) but I know that is just going to cause problems later so I don't do that unless I am desperate etc. I put her down before I see the rubbing of the eyes and she just wants to play then I put her down when I see the first sign of her being tired and she fights it. So who knows. I am not sure what to do but I try hard to let her establish a routine and that works sometimes and other times it doesn't.

She has a great routine for bedtime and goes down like a champ but we started that early and stayed consistant. I just have a hard time doing that with her during the day because she wants to be up and playing.

I guess that is all for now! We can't wait for Christmas! Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Caleb Carruth said...

Hi Manon. So glad to hear from you!! Mady is precious. We can't wait to meet her. Camera question: We have a Canon digital camera- the secret is the lenses. The 50 fixed mm lens focuses on the subject and blurs out the background (depth of field). Hope this helps. Merry Christmas!