Sunday, December 27, 2009

Long time no see...

Okay so I know it has been a very LONG time since I wrote or posted picures...thanks to Facebook (my new addiction) I get a little lazy. So here are a few quick updates...Mady is 17 months now and is quite the busy bee. Speaking of bees...she adores the Bee Movie and watches parts of it pretty much every day. She talks alot (most of it makes no sense) but she does say a few words...nite nite, ball, cat, dog, hi dad, bye, bubbles (this is a new one), nana, and ganpa (Grandpa). She tries to say Chula and Sarah (Eric's parent's dogs names) but that is still pretty sketchy! She can sing the abc's which is adorable and of course not very clear but she is definatly trying! She also tries to count and says 1-2-3-GO all the time in teh bath tub. She understands alot and follows directions pretty good. She loves to be on the go and play. She is definately a thinker and studies everything you do. We have a lot of fun together and she gets so excited when daddy comes home at the end of the day and plays with him pretty much until supper time. She eats good although we still have a battle with veggies so I am sneaking them anyway I can! There are so many little things that she does! We have alot of great times! Hope you all had a great holiday and I will post pics up soon from Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!

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