Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So much to do...so little time!

At Grandma's house...read my shirt!
My new night gown! Mommy loves it!
One of mommy's favorite times of the day...
Another great moment!
I'm getting big...notice my rolls...thats why mommy and daddy call me piglet!

As many mothers before me know, you pretty much can't get anything done when you have a baby. Since we decided to have me stay home, we were also assuming I would be able to clean, cook, and take care of the day to day stuff ...run errands etc. Fat chance! This little girl takes every second I have. When she finally does go to sleep...its only for 20 - 30 minutes and I am either pumping, washing bottles, or napping (almost never). I love spending every second with her but its hard when she is a light sleeper, gassy, or just plain fussy. I know they say that things will get better...who is they? They say, they say...I am so tired of that! I have learned that this little girl is very unpredictable. Just when I think we have it down, she changes everything. Right now, I would love for her to go longer than 2 hours between feedings. That makes nursing very difficult. I am still doing it...reluctanlty. I know its the best thing for her and that is what keeps me going. My husband sees our frustration and thinks we should go ahead and switch to formula for my sake. But he knows how much I want to do it so he is as supportive as he can be. I am not giving up...I am determined to make it to 3 months. She does pretty good most days but there are those times when she is crying because she is hungry and is very gassy and takes it out on my boobs! Those are hard times! But in the end, I know it is soothing to her and she is getting the best nutrition possible. Okay...enough of my whining...here is some updated pictures. I can't believe she is already 7 weeks old today! Happy Birthday Piglet! Manon

1 comment:

Douglass said...

keep up the good work, manon! motherhood looks easy until it happens to you, that is for sure! it WILL get easier i promise!!! once you hit the 3 month mark then the 6 month mark it will be smooth sailing! miss you guys! she is precious! i am so proud of you for keeping up the nursing!